Contattate la nuova brand "MADE WITH LOVE" su:
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/mwlbracelet
TWITTER: @mwlbracelets
INSTAGRAM: mwlbracelets
"MADE WITH LOVE BRACELETS" Fashion accessible to all"
How many new brands find themselves surfing the internet! "MADE WITH LOVE BRACELETS" is just one of those! Lately are very fashionable bracelets made with cloth and gold chains or silver, and if you want to buy one, you should definitely visit the facebook page of "Made with Love Bracelets"!
They make beautiful bracelets using 100% cotton lisle and chains of two different sizes: regular (steeper) and mini (thinner) depending on your taste and the size of your wrist! In addition, the bracelets are unisex, suitable for women but also for men who want to be chic and trendy! The color tones are all there! Love the white, black, blue, red, pink, yellow, green? well, there are! Do you want a bracelet green water, or better color Tiffany? They have! and do not think it is a famous line! "Made with love" has been working with a lot of people in the world of entertainment! Examples?
Here are just some ... Silvia Abbate (participated in "The pupa & the Geek", and is today an established fashion bloggers!), The rapper "Miss Simpatia," which she wore them also in the program RAI Francesco Facchinetti, from talent show "X Factor" are snowflake and David Papasidero, Francesca Cipriani (GF competitor, the pupa & the Geek, Colorado, etc.); Ilenia Pastorelli GF; Elena Morali (the pupa & the Geek, Colorado, Uman Take Control).
and .. do you want to know who is behind "Made with love"? here's the surprise! it's a boy! You got it! it is the hand of a man who creates these beautiful bracelets trendy, chic and colorful!What're you waiting for? Take advantage of all because the prices are very affordable! 6 euro for the one with the mini chain and only 10 euro for the one with the regular chain of any color you want! Wonderful gift idea for a birthday or for yourself, if you love to be fashionable because "Made With Love Bracelets" stems from the make fashion accessible to all!
Contact the new brand on:
TWITTER: @mwlbracelets
INSTAGRAM: mwlbracelets
Ciao! Sono adele (@adelegug instagram mi hai scritto oggi ricordi) eccomi qui allora x diventare tua follower pure io:))
RispondiEliminaIo li conosco questi braccialetti., infatti me li devo far fare pure io sono veramente belli e Loro sono veramente brave!
Belle l'idea d sponsorizzarli .. Lo farò pure io:-)
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